Our doorknob envelopes are designed to hang from doorknobs of every description. We make them in 2 different sizes, and they all have the same size hang-up hole.
STANDARD SIZE: the return envelope measures 3-5/8″ x 6-1/2”. This is the perfect size for mailing a personal check without folding. Checks come back flat. Available in these 7 different paper colors:
SUPER SIZE: the return envelope measures 4-3/8″ x 6-1/2”. We created this size for fuel meter tickets, which come back folded in thirds, with no cross fold required. Available in white paper only.
Common to both sizes:
- They all open on the long dimension
- They have the same size hang-up hole
- The perforated tab containing the hang-up hole adds approximately 2-1/2” to the overall width of the doorknob hangup envelope.
- Both can be custom printed in up 2 colors on both sides (printing on the backside free when using the same colors as on the face).