With double-scored seal flaps and “Plate Glass” windows.
Our Full View window envelopes are perfect for delivering critically important documents in a suitably distinguished package. Our Full View envelopes, whether they are mailed or handed out personally, complete a memorable experience of receiving something of value.
We stock full views in 5 sizes: #10 (4-1/8″ x 9-1/2″), 6″ x 9″, 6″ x 9-1/2″ , 9″ x 12″, and 10″ x 13″.
Our three smallest sizes ( #10, 6″ x 9″ and 6″ x 9-1/2”) have windows so clear, so large and so sturdy that we have coined the phrase “Plate Glass” windows for them.
All of our Full Views are available from stock, and although printing is available on the back side, it may be preferable to use labels. We recommend against printing on the narrow paper borders to avoid scratching the window film. Call 800-325-6622 to discuss printing.